Published in International Planning Competition, 2018
Recommended citation: Isabel Cenamor, Mauro Vallati, Lukas Chrpa, Tomas de la Rosa and Fernando Fernandez. (2018). "TemPoRal: Temporal Portfolio Algorithm." IPC. https://icenamor.github.io/files/TemPoRal.pdf
This paper describes TemPoRal, a Temporal Planning Portfolio submitted to the satisficing temporal track of the International Planning Competition 2018. This portfolio performs a static equal time assignment of the available time to each of the portfolio components, which where empirically selected from the state-of-the art temporal planners.
Recommended citation: Isabel Cenamor, Mauro Vallati, Lukas Chrpa, Tomas de la Rosa and Fernando Fernandez. (2018) TemPoRal: Temporal Portfolio Algorithm. International Planning Competition.